Information, advice & tips for the Kosher Traveler

Friday, May 16, 2003


Welcome to the Kosher Traveler. The purpose of this blog is to provide information for the kosher traveler. The type of information I would like to make available is advice for specific destinations, primarily within the US and Canada. I also intend to provide the most comprehensive collection of links to information for the kosher traveler available anywhere. If you have any comments, suggestions or links, please send me an e-mail. I try to limit content on this blog to things that meet my kashrus standards - they may or may not meet yours - so please consult your Rav if you have any questions about a product or hechsher. Also keep in mind that some sites are updated more often than others, so it pays to call ahead. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you will find this blog a worthwhile place to visit often - please tell a friend about our existence!